Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A Walk in the Woods Surprise

Coming back on the bus from Aviemore shopping, I met a young couple backpacking.  They were in Scotland 5 days walking trails and were looking forward the the well-known Nethy Bridge hiking trails and took the bus to the center of the small village.

I too, have loved walking through the beautiful nature trails while I am here.  You often come across a nature or man-made sight in the middle of your walk that is picture-worthy.

I had heard their were some "Fairy houses" in the woods, but had not seen them yet so it was a nice surprise to come across several on one of my recent trail walks.  The leaves are changing and I even saw a rainbow yesterday when I walked to the village.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Lifestyle Trends from Other Countries

When I was in Italy, I picked up an American newspaper with an article about living your best life.  Since one of my main goals of this sabbatical was to reenergize, recalculate, and recognize what was most important to me, I clipped it out to add to my other reading.   It is interesting to note that money and material things are not necessary to live your happiest life.

The article was made up of several foreign concepts that I had not heard of and that seemed worth thinking and reading more about over this long period of time. There is a good bit on the internet and in books on these 5 concepts.  I hope it gives each of you something to consider and a break from scenic photos!
IKIGAI– (Ick-ee-guy) a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” The English translation means “things that you live for” or “reason you wake up in the morning.”

What you love and are good at and what world needs from you  
-      What brings me joy and purpose?

Make 3 lists: your values, things you like to do, and things you are good at. The cross section of the three lists is your ikigai.

GEZELLIG– One of the first words you will hear in Dutch countries is “gezillig” pronounced “he-sell-ick”.  It is a feeling more than a word. 

Surround self with people, places, things that are comforting  
-      Time to relax
-      Friends over
-      Eliminate wearing individuals

FRILUFTSLIV- This is a Scandinavian philosophy of outdoor life.  Translation: open-air living.
Appreciation of Nature through outdoor activities, beautiful scenery.  

-      Strolls
-      Bike Rides
-      Forest or beach paths- enjoy forest  or beach atmosphere
-      Screen time vs green time

I have been so interested in the European’s love of walking, hiking, bike riding, and interacting with others outdoors.  I see numerous backpackers walking and taking buses to even more remote locations for mountain and trail hiking. Swedish people have a saying “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes”. 

Nethy Bridge has a community walk available to all every Tuesday at 1:30 and numerous trails that are well marked and safe through beautiful woods.  I have enjoyed daily walks on my own and hope I will continue the walking in beautiful green or natural surroundings habit when I get home.  

Henry Ibsen used the term to describe the value of spending time in remote locations for spiritual and physical wellbeing. 

 This is a funny one as it means chilling in your underwear with a cocktail of choice in hand and comes from Finland.  It is all about allowing yourself (by yourself) to totally relax away from the “real world.” It also includes binge watching your favorite series and not feeling guilty. It encourages solitude.  Finding a suitable image was almost impossible.

Planned solitude, relaxation, recovery and self empowerment to face future challenges
-      Stay home
-      Take time for self
-      Don’t do things do not enjoy

LAGOM– (LAH-gum) This is a Swedish lifestyle trend meaning “just the right amount”.

This is one I felt good about!  When I decided to rent my house for 6 months, I touched, cleaned out and organized every item I owned over a 2-3 month period.  I told friends it was an amazing side benefit to my decision to travel.  My hotels are usually very small spaces for several days or a week at a time.  I am amazed with how little I need while traveling. I have also had larger 3 bedroom homes to stay in for extended periods.  I only buy what I am about to eat (due to smaller refrigerators and freezers) and shop every day or two for my basic needs.

Less is more
Live simply, harmoniously, strike happy balance
Quality living  
-Take breaks
- declutter
- capsule your wardrobe-minimalist, highly practical wardrobe
- reduce stress and boost productivity

Try the 52-17 minute rule:  the most productive people work for 52 minutes then take a 17 minute break.

I feel as though my time remaining is slipping away so fast these days.  I am in one place for the longest time and it has given me more time to reflect, take nature walks, and read books.  I have not been lonely nor bored and have enjoyed every minute of this sabbatical so far.